The world is awash with hot stock tips and investment advisers pitching the next great investment idea. These ideas seem to come out of every corner of the financial markets. When I sit down with a client, or get them on the phone, one of the first things they want to talk about is investing. [...]
Entries Tagged as 'average rate of return'
Is Investing Right For You?
July 29th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Investing, Philosophy In Financial Planning
Average Returns vs. Real Returns: Are Your Investments Earning What You Think They’re Earning?
June 11th, 2008 · No Comments · Investing
Albert Einstein was a smart guy. …OK, OK, that’s an understatement. He was a genius. He is often credited with devising the “rule of 72″ – a formula that refers to dividing the rate of growth, for example 3%, into 72. The answer tells you how long it takes for money to double at a [...]